Board Meetings
The Clark's Crossing Homes Association holds monthly Board of Directors meetings, except during July and August of each year. All Association members are welcome to attend these meetings as observers. Board meetings are typically scheduled for the second Wednesday of each month at 7:30pm but, to ensure a quorum, may change to accommodate Directors' schedules. Please notify a board member in advance of your attendance so that we can make certain adequate seating is available.
If an Association member wishes to attend a Board of Director's meeting other than as an observer, such as to address the meeting or make comments that are recognized as part of the official record, you must contact a board member or the to be scheduled and recognized on the agenda.
Please note that individuals who are not members of the Association may ask to be invited to board meetings, but their right to attend is not automatic. Please contact the Association President for more information in advance of the meeting a non-member may desire to attend.